The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has today announced temporary changes to the Stamp Duty Land Tax regime.
In our new Employment & Pensions Blog, we discuss the case of Department for Work and Pensions v Boyers and what it means to employers.
This week we will touch upon the recent Employment Appeal Tribunal decision handed down in Gwynedd Council v Barratt in relation to redundancy processes and the lessons that can be learnt from this.
he Government has now published its guidance on flexible furlough and has updated the current Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme setting out what changes will take effect from 1 July 2020 and any further changes thereafter.
As the economic hit caused by COVID-19 pushes the UK closer to a recession, employers are starting to consider how to handle the crisis within their workforce by making redundancies and or changing terms of conditions of employment to reduce operating costs.
The Court of Appeal handed down judgment on whether a landlord’s failure to provide a gas safety certificate (prior to a tenant’s occupation) prevents a landlord later relying on a Section 21 notice.
This blog seeks to explain the rules around the new quarantine guidance and what to do if your employees go abroad this summer.
This article highlights some of the key legal and structural considerations to bear in mind at the outset of any care home or care business acquisition and to help the process run as smoothly as possible.
In commemoration of the Equal Pay Act’s 50th anniversary, ACAS has published updated guidance on Equal Pay.
Summer is fast approaching, and whilst the usual efforts of fundraising for our partner charities have been disrupted, we decided to make the most of staying at home by taking our fundraising virtual.