IT’S THE LAW: Modular Construction

In September 1620, Captain Christopher Jones set off to take Modern Methods of Construction (and some pilgrims) to the New World. 400 years later Britain is beginning to get the hang of it.

In this edition of IT’S THE LAW we look at some of the particular issues you will need to cover in a contract for a modular build.

Read our latest issue of ITL to find out more.

While you’re at it, why not enter our IT’S THE LAW quiz? The quiz will close on 15 April.

Our ITL library is bursting with past issues ranging from ‘what to look for when inspecting a site’ through to ‘what collateral warranties are and why we need them’ so why not take a look.

For further information please contact Neil Toner, Partner, Head of Real Estate at Devonshires.

ITL Quiz

For each issue of ITL, we also run a quiz. Our Modular Construction quiz has now closed, but why not test your knowledge anyway (note: answers are also below!):

Q1) What do JCT, NEC and ICC stand for:

  • Joint Contracts Tribunal, New Engineering Contract and Infrastructure Conditions of Contract.
  • Jam, Cream and Tea, Netherway’s English Chocolate and the International Cake Council
  • Justifiably Counted Time, New Electric Company, Independent of Crown Control

Q2) What is a vesting certificate

  • A document use to confirm the transfer of goods, plant or material from one party to another
  • A certificate confirming that appropriate undergarments are being worn

Q3) What are some of the better ways to mitigate against the risks of constructor insolvency when entering into a contract for modular build.

  • Bonds and guarantees
  • Prayers and hope
  • This is a trick question as the issue never arises.












Q1) Joint Contracts Tribunal, New Engineering Contract and Infrastructure Conditions of Contract.

Q2) A document use to confirm the transfer of goods, plant or material form one party to another.

Q3) Bonds and guarantees.

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