Our Employment Training Programme for 2019 comprises 4 seminars covering a range of topics that we hope our clients and contacts will find interesting and informative. As well as taking away new knowledge from our experienced team members who will be presenting, each seminar also presents the opportunity to learn from the stories of peers and to make new contacts and renew old. So come along and join us at one or more of the sessions; we look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible.
Employment Law Update
Catch up on what happened in 2018 and what will happen in 2019 so that you are up-to-speed on the latest developments and how they could affect RPs. The Brexit Settlement Scheme will have to feature, but we’ll also pick up on the Government’s Good Work Plan (in response to the Taylor Review) alongside other notable changes in legislation and case-law. Please click here to RSVP.
Workforce Worries
Employers rarely have a period of significant stability in their workforce planning but is the range of current issues something of a perfect storm? Increasing digitalisation, new worker rights, Brexit and the new regime for skills-based immigration, the growth in apprenticeships, and competition for candidates from private sector house-builders are all happening at the same time. This session will look at each of these issues, how they can be managed, and what issues arise when they come into conflict with each other.
Reviewing Recruitment
In this session, we will discuss the range of issues that arise in any recruitment exercise. With increasing emphasis on the diversity agenda, we will look at the discrimination risks arising from unconscious bias and positive discrimination that can arise in selection decisions. Once a preferred candidate has been identified, we’ll look at the issues that can arise with conditional offers and when you can lawfully carry out DBS checks as part of GDPR vetting. Finally we’ll look at the impact of the GPDR regime across the recruitment process and after it has been completed.
Investigations Training
This will be a practically focused session considering the best practice around undertaking a disciplinary or grievance investigation. We will cover the key things that HR ought to be aware of when setting up and supporting an investigation, and what HR should be contributing to the process whilst not crossing the line into Ramphal overly-interventionist territory. We will look at a variety of issues such as when to suspend, how to avoid ‘mission creep’ and how to deal with reluctant witnesses. This session will be ideal for those who are new, or returning to, this area of HR work or want to increase their confidence to be able to better support their organisation.
Timings (all events)
9:30 – 10:00 – Registration
10:00 – 12:00 – Seminar
Register your interest:
Please click here to register your interest or email your name(s), and full contact details to seminars@devonshires.co.uk
If you would be interested in having any of the above sessions, or indeed any other HR-related training topic, delivered in-house then please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Employment Team for more information about what we may be able to offer.