
From thought leadership pieces to basic training resources, our lawyers regularly produce leaflets, briefings, newsletters and brochures. Our aim is to help keep our clients ahead of the curve.

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2017: A Year of Legacy Claims?
Over the next week or so, three words – “Happy New Year !“ – shall be uttered to colleagues as normal business resumes following the Yuletide break. It seems like it was only yesterday that the same words were used as we waved goodbye to 2015 and said hello 2016.
Immigration Act 2016 provisions and new prescribed form of Section 8 Notice of Seeking Possession into force from 1st December 2016
As of 1st December 2016, the Immigration Act 2014 will be amended by Sections 39 to 41 of the Immigration Act 2016. The provisions apply to private sector landlords and to social landlords.
Inquiry call over deaths in childbirth underlines challenges faced by NHS
Midwifery and obstetric errors can have a devastating impact on the families involved. We deal with many cases where serious mistakes have been made as a result of a lack of resources and training.
Complaining in care homes should be encouraged not dismissed
News that hundreds of care homes are banning relatives from visiting elderly residents over complaints about quality of care highlights a growing need for sector reform.
Supreme Court Decision on the Bedroom Tax Challenges
On the 9 November 2016 the Supreme Court announced its judgment to the bedroom tax challenges made against the government.
Competitive Dialogue – Contracting authorities should eye all the options
Since 2006, contracting authorities have been able to use the competitive dialogue (CD) procedure to procure contracts that cannot be awarded without prior dialogue with bidders due to the complex nature of the contract.
Article 8: long residence unlikely to give rise to a defence
On the 1 November 2016 the Court of Appeal considered the case of Holley v Hillingdon LBC. Mr Holley continued to occupy a property owned by the local authority following the death of the tenant, his grandfather, who had previously succeeded to the tenancy.
Investment in the care sector is essential to avoid mistakes being made
The care sector is back in the spotlight this month with two reports that highlight the ever growing number of challenges it faces.
Permission needed before issuing warrant for possession
It is common practice for a landlord to enforce a suspended possession order following a breach of the terms of that order simply by sending a Form N325 Warrant Request to court with the appropriate fee. However, the procedure for applying for a warrant for possession has come under scrutiny from the Court of Appeal.
Devonshires welcomes 8 new trainees
We are pleased to announce the arrival of 8 new trainees to our team at Devonshires.
Is Brexit the Construction Industry’s most widespread termination?
On 23 June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union (EU) in an historic vote. The legal implications of ‘Brexit’ are potentially significant but hinge on the specific mechanics of the exit, and the future model Britain’s relationship with the EU may take.
Could Brexit be an opportunity for the social housing sector?
Last week we attended the CIH Housing 2016 conference which had a very significant addition to its agenda – Brexit.