
From thought leadership pieces to basic training resources, our lawyers regularly produce leaflets, briefings, newsletters and brochures. Our aim is to help keep our clients ahead of the curve.

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Maxine Pavey v London Borough of Hackney: Focus on valid service of NTQs after death
The recent judgement of His Honour Judge Luba QC puts a Landlord’s procedure for terminating a tenancy upon the death of a tenant firmly into the spotlight.
Landlords: Are you aware of the risks associated with covert recordings?
Many individuals, including tenants, have started to use their smartphones to record telephone conversations and face-to-face meetings. There is currently no law that prohibits this activity.
Gas Safety Certificates and Section 21 Notices: Make sure you get it right
We regularly receive enquiries in relation to the content and form of section 21 notices and the legal requirements to ensure they are valid, in particular the changes introduced by the Deregulation Act 2015.
Accelerated Possession Proceedings: Recent Changes to Claim Form N5B
Housing Associations need to be aware of changes to the N5B form for Accelerated claims for possession when seeking possession of an assured shorthold tenancy.
Employment Training Programme 2018
Devonshires’ Employment Team is pleased to publish our programme of seminar events for 2018. Looking at what is coming up in 2018 and taking account of feedback from previous sessions we have designed a programme which mixes some new topics with some perennially popular ones. Our seminars are specifically aimed at HR Professionals and are
Banking, Capital Markets & Securitisation: Our teams set the gold standard
Devonshires has one of the largest specialist banking, capital markets and securitisation teams working in the UK dedicated to social housing.
Devonshires Employment Law Brief Autumn 2017
Welcome to our latest round up of employment law and cases. If you have any questions on the matters raised in this briefing, please speak to your usual contact in the Employment and Pensions team.
The Employment Round-Up
The headline issue from the summer was the abolition of Employment Tribunal fees which had been introduced in 2013.
Is Suspension a Neutral Act?
Disciplinary policies refer to suspension as a neutral act as employers often consider that it is not a disciplinary sanction nor does it imply guilt.
GDPR: Guidance for Employers
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will come into force on 25 May 2018 and will be directly applicable to all EU member states.
Right to Work – Employers fined £10M in the first quarter of 2017
UK Visas and Immigration have published a quarterly report showing the total number of fines for illegal working given to employers in the United Kingdom.
Whistleblowing Protection: When is a disclosure in the Public Interest?
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 gives protection to employees who blow the whistle on malpractice by their employer. The dismissal of an employee will be automatically unfair when the sole or principal reason for their dismissal is that they have made a “protected disclosure”.