In March 2020, the Government announced that it would be launching a new £1bn Building Safety Fund (“the Fund”) to provide funding to both public and private sector building owners for the remediation of external wall systems containing dangerous non-aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding in buildings over 18m.

The Government has been clear in its messages recently that the housing market is one of the key pillars of the economy and that ways to ensure delivery of new homes is essential.

Contemplating a move to the cloud? Whether you are contracting with a small supplier for a single purpose application, or upgrading your entire IT infrastructure, there are advantages to be gained from a move to the cloud.

In March 2020, the Government announced that it would be launching a new £1bn Building Safety Fund to provide funding to both public and private sector building owners for the remediation of external wall systems containing dangerous non-aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding in buildings over 18m.

The ‘end’ of lockdown is now on the horizon. That will throw up a whole new set of challenges. In this article Neil Toner, our Head of Real Estate, looks at his Top 10.

It is acknowledged that the implications of COVID-19 will be felt for many years.

Nonetheless, the unprecedented scale with which the COVID-19 pandemic has reached presents care providers with challenges that require swift decision making that can have implications for the ongoing success of the service they provide.

Regrettably there are going to be occasions where things go wrong when providing care and support. While it is important to ensure the necessary steps are taken to put things right, do not lose sight of the duty of candour.

The starting point is that if a person lacks the mental capacity to sign a tenancy agreement, anyone intending to sign the agreement on the person’s behalf can only do so with the authorisation of the Court of Protection or where they have an Enduring/Lasting Power of Attorney (‘LPA’) or are a court appointed Deputy.

Many Registered Providers, Care Home Operators and other building owners have been approached to assist in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in various ways including permitting use of their buildings and facilities.