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Devonshires advises on £500M bond issue
Devonshires has acted for London & Quadrant (L&Q), one of the UK’s leading and prominent housing associations, to help in securing a £500m Bond.
Devonshires acts for Red Kite Community Housing Limited on £60 million private placement
Devonshires are delighted to have acted for Red Kite Community Housing Limited on its recent £60 million private placement and bank funding, with the Banking and Securitisation teams both advising.
Environmental Protection Act claims – how to avoid prosecution
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in tenants claiming that the condition of their home constitutes a statutory nuisance as defined by the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA).
IT’S THE LAW: Does my asset look big in this?
‘Assets of Community Value’ were, with much fanfare, introduced by the Localism Act 2011. The Government’s soft sell at the time said that they were designed to give communities more power to be involved in the way local services are delivered by stimulating social, environmental and economic growth and regeneration through community asset ownership.
Kazakh Judicial Training Programme
Devonshires supports training programme for Kazakh judges and staff, organised by the Law Society.
Dismissing False Discrimination Claims – How an assessor can help
Social landlords are frequently faced with discrimination allegations in response to possession claims but rarely appoint an assessor who could help deal with potentially complex court proceedings.
Devonshires re-accredited as a Member of the Conveyancing Quality Scheme
The Conveyancing Quality Scheme provides a recognised quality standard for residential conveyancing practices and Devonshires is honoured to continue our membership to this scheme.
Property Management – the shape of things to come for RPs?
With an estimated pipeline of £17 billion of rental stock and a forecasted requirement of some £300 billion more over the next 5 years, Registered Providers (also known as RPs) find themselves facing an interesting strategic dilemma. Are they better off sticking or twisting?
Balancing risk and the housing crisis in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster
The Grenfell Tower tragedy means that housing associations now face a fundamental choice about their housing priorities. Should their focus be on the maintenance of existing housing or on development plans to help build new homes?
IT’S THE LAW: Town & Village Greens – They aren’t all green
Land which is registered as a Town or Village Green is subject to a number of legal restrictions. These will significantly interfere with any plans you might have to develop it, in fact, they will almost certainly stop those plans in their tracks.
Contaminated Blood Scandal
On the 26th of April 2017 the Guardian published an article indicating that Andy Burnham MP had called on the Government to open an enquiry into the Contaminated Blood Scandal of the 1970’s and 1980’s.
Actions needed following Each Baby Counts investigation
An investigation by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has revealed the actions needed to prevent baby deaths and brain injuries during childbirth.