
Welcome to our news page. Here you will find out what we’re up to and what we think about recent events and future possibilities.

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Off-Payroll Working: How to take “reasonable care” when making a status determination
One of the key aspects of the new off payroll working rules is the obligation on the client to determine the status of a contractor providing services through an intermediary.
Electrical safety inspections and private registered providers: why it matters
On 31st October last year the Government published the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020.
Electric vehicle charging: current problems and future plans
You would be hard pressed to have not noticed the cries for a more sustainable way of living getting louder, and the Government is listening, committing to ensure all vehicles sold by 2035 are zero emission.
Devonshires cements its commitment to the North with Leeds office expansion
We are pleased to announce that our Leeds office has moved to larger premises in the city to accommodate planned expansion.
First Homes: The known knowns and the known unknowns
The Government took many by surprise by announcing a new affordable housing product, called First Homes, at the end of last week.
Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive implemented in the UK
The Fifth Money Laundering Directive ((EU) 2018/843) has now been implemented in the UK by the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019
“If it walks like a duck…” The impact of new Off-Payroll Working Rules
In April 2020, a new regime replacing IR35 will come into effect for medium and large private sector organisations.
How to carry out a disciplinary investigation
Employers must appoint the right investigating officer, approach suspension with caution and gather as much evidence as possible, advises Jane Bowen
Five legal developments for employees and employers in 2020
In this article, we identify the five important developments of 2020 HR and Employment law, and how these are likely to affect both workers and employers rights.
Ethical vegan tribunal could open floodgates for other beliefs
In this article, Katie Maguire considers how this ruling could lead to similar cases, and the other "philosophical" beliefs that could follow
Pension perils and pension possibilities in 2020
It may form the last page of the publication, but pensions once again features in the Sector Risk Profile released by the Regulator of Social Housing late last year.