
Welcome to our news page. Here you will find out what we’re up to and what we think about recent events and future possibilities.

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Changes to Stamp Duty Announced in the Chancellor’s Budget
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has today announced temporary changes to the Stamp Duty Land Tax regime.
Government announces plans to extend planning permissions
The Government have announced plans to allow planning permissions that would have been lost during lock down to be automatically extended. 
Devonshires host Virtual Flower Show to support Partner Charities
Summer is fast approaching, and whilst the usual efforts of fundraising for our partner charities have been disrupted, we decided to make the most of staying at home by taking our fundraising virtual.
COVID-19: Further guidance on the planning system
The Government have recognised the inflexibility of the CIL payment regime and have announced that they will introduce amendments to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 to enable charging authorities to defer payments and temporarily disapply late payment interest.
Government plans to relieve the restrictions on moving home
The Government has announced plans to relieve the restrictions on moving home which were imposed as part of their response to the Coronavirus outbreak.
Devonshires act for GreenSquare Housing Group on £540m debt restructuring
Devonshires’ Banking team are delighted to have advised GreenSquare Housing Group on a full restructure of its funding portfolio.
Testing of employees for COVID-19
From 29 April 2020, the eligibility criteria for who can be tested for COVID-19 have been expanded.
International Corporate Governance Network response to COVID-19
The ICGN has published an open letter setting out its take on governance priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 update: Guidance for social landlords on essential moves published
The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government and Public Health England have jointly published guidance in respect of allocations and transfers during the COVID-19 lockdown period.
COVID-19: An Update on Possession Claims
The Courts may be limited in their ability to progress possession claims following the general stay introduced by Practice Direction 51Z which took effect on 27 March 2020.
Right to Rent survives the Court of Appeal
The Right to Rent Scheme requires landlords (including registered providers of social housing) to check the immigration status of tenants and potential tenants (and licensees).
New Emergency Permitted Development Rights to deal with Coronavirus
Order comes into effect to amend Permitted Development rights to allow local authorities and certain health service bodies to carry out development for dealing with emergencies.