Due to the needs and vulnerability of those housed in the care and supported housing sector, when the worst happens, the housing and support provided is put under the microscope by regulators, the Coroner and potentially the police. Our cross departmental team will explore common issues relating to health and safety incidents and inquests in the care and supported housing sector, and share their expertise in how to best protect your residents and organisation.
Topics Covered:
- Common issues and risks in the care and supported housing sector in the context of:
- Health and safety incidents
- Inquests
- What to do if an accident/death occurs
- Policies and procedures
- Board Assurance and risk management
Samantha Grix, Partner, Banking, Governance & Corporate
Samantha advises Private Registered Providers and Local Authorities across a spectrum of matters affecting the social housing sector including Housing Management and has specialist knowledge of rent regulation.
Kathryn Kligerman, Partner, Construction
Kathryn has experience in contentious and non-contentious aspects of the construction industry in both the public and private sectors. She regularly drafts and negotiates bespoke contracts for clients as well as amendments to the standard forms such as the JCT and NEC suits. Kathryn also advises on the merits of construction disputes and represents clients in adjudication, meditation, expert determination and litigation.
Narin Masera, Solicitor, Banking, Governance & Corporate
Narin has advised a range of clients on a number of complex multi-agency inquests and has extensive experience on working on Article 2 inquests and inquests that are conducted in an Article 2 compliant fashion.
Narin has advised Registered Providers of both general needs housing , specialist supported housing and charities. Narin’s background in housing management and property litigation provides Narin with unique knowledge of the sector and allows her to guide Registered Providers throughout the inquest process.
You will receive an email from Devonshires to confirm your place. Please note, places for this event are limited and may become oversubscribed. Clients of Devonshires will have priority and where we are heavily oversubscribed, we will limit places per organisation.