Inquests, the associated media attention and satellite issues have become a big problem for Registered Providers of Social Housing (RPs). In many cases RPs are simply not prepared for the crisis situation they find themselves in or how to manage the unknown risk.
This webinar will be an opportunity to hear about the wide spectrum of issues to consider when faced with unexpected death, how to deal with them and take learning from the situation.
There will be opportunity for discussion.
The seminar will cover:
- Crisis and risk management
- Internal investigations
- Inquests and coronial process
- The interface between health and safety issues and criminal prosecutions
- Policies and procedures
Samantha Grix, Partner, Banking, Governance and Corporate
Samantha advises Private Registered Providers and Local Authorities across a spectrum of matters affecting the social housing sector including Housing Management and has specialist knowledge of rent regulation.
Narin Masera, Solicitor, Banking, Governance and Corporate
Narin has advised Registered Providers of both general needs housing , specialist supported housing and charities. Narin’s background in housing management and property litigation provides Narin with unique knowledge of the sector and allows her to guide Registered Providers throughout the inquest process.
Anne Marie Bancroft, Strategy and Regulation Director, Altair
Anne-Marie is a Director in our Strategy and Regulation team and she leads Altair’s consumer regulation services. She supports our local authority, housing association, ALMO and profit-making registered provider clients for a broad range of strategic and regulatory matters.
Fiona Underwood, Executive Chair of Altair and Executive Director of Aquila PLC
Fiona is Executive Chair of Altair and Executive Director of its parent company Aquila plc. She has worked in a wide array of sectors and brings a wealth of experience into her role as an adviser to boards and executive teams, specialising in governance and strategy.
You will receive an email from Devonshires to confirm your place. Please note, places for this event are limited and may become oversubscribed. Clients of Devonshires will have priority and where we are heavily oversubscribed, we will limit places per organisation.