HMPL Building Blocks – Leasehold Management – Managing the Managing Agents
Tuesday 21st, May 2024
11:00 - 12:00

HMPL Building Blocks – Leasehold Management – Managing the Managing Agents

HMPL Building Blocks – Leasehold Management – Managing the Managing Agents

This webinar will benefit housing management and leasehold professionals whose work includes managing estates where there is a management company or managing agent in place such as a Residents’ Management Company or a Right to Manage Company. These relationships can raise challenges for the landlord and tenant to deal with, particularly where the management organisation is not fulfilling its duties effectively. This session looks at some of the common issues that can arise in these situations and what steps landlords and tenants can take to address them.


Zoe McLean-Wells, Partner, Housing Management & Property Litigation

Zoe advises on all aspects of housing management and practice including possession proceedings, injunctions, leasehold enfranchisement, forfeiture, service charge issues, fire safety, Tribunal proceedings and lease interpretation.

Zoe’s clients are predominately Registered Providers but she has also historically advised high street lenders, fixed charge receivers and private landowners.

Shannon Morrison, Solicitor, Housing Management & Property Litigation

Prior to working at Devonshires, Shannon spent 18 months working as a Paralegal in between her LLB and LPC.

This webinar is part of the HMPL Building Blocks Programme aimed at housing and leasehold management professionals at the start of their careers. Please pass this on to members of your team that may find this relevant.

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