How To Deal With Group Actions: Building Conditions and Defects

08/03/2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm –

Landlords are sometimes faced with legal action from groups of leaseholders and/or tenants in relation to the condition of buildings or properties within the same development. The size of such group actions can range from just a few to hundreds. Lee Russell, along with guest speaker Sarah Salmon of Cornerstone Barristers, will talk through the practical and legal issues that landlords will need to consider and provide some best practice tips along the way.

Update: Public Sector Equality Duty

16/03/2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm –

In this webinar we discuss the circumstances in which the Public Sector Equality Duty applies to Housing Associations. This session will focus on compliance with the PSED in possession claims and will update you on recent case law with practical guidance on carrying out and evidencing a PSED assessment. Lee and Hannah have led on some of the leading PSED cases involving registered providers of social housing in recent years.

Succession, Inheritance of Tenancies and Possession

29/03/2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm –

“What happens to a tenancy when a tenant dies?” is one of the most common questions posed on our advice line. It is important for landlords to understand the law relating to succession and inheritance of tenancies as well as discretionary rights which may allow a person to be granted a new tenancy after a tenant dies. Landlords will also need to be aware of situations when they should give consideration to the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998. We will take you through these key legal principles and how landlords can seek possession of properties following the death of a tenant.

Managing Possession Claims based on Anti-Social Behaviour

26/04/2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm –

In this webinar, Anna Bennett and Rebecca Brady will discuss good practice when it comes to running possession claims based on Anti-Social Behaviour. They will discuss what is necessary for building a strong case, evidence gathering, the importance of regular reviews and having high-level oversight of possession claims based on anti-social behaviour at key stages.

HMPL Update

28/04/2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm –

Join us for our regular 6 monthly Housing Management & Property Litigation Update. In this session we will give an overview of the recent activity of the Housing Ombudsman; give top tips for dealing with pre-action data breach claims and bring you our usual case-law update in Tenancy and Leasehold Management.

ASB in Hostels – excluded licenses, safeguarding and reporting to CQC

11/05/2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm –

Those who own or manage hostel accommodation will often have to deal with serious issues in relation to nuisance and anti-social behaviour which can have significant impact on other service users. In this session we look at matters specific to hostel management including raising safeguarding alerts and reporting to CQC as well as how to ensure statutory and contractual compliance when required to evict excluded licensees.

Care Home Developments: Contract and Lease Nuances

17/05/2022 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm –

This session will explore the different approaches to care home development and focus on particular nuances which apply to both the development and longer term occupation considerations where a lease approach is used. We will explore specific provisions in relation to the contract structure and terms which should be carefully considered as part of any deal from a an operator/provider’s perspective.


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