The Good Work Plan Guide

The Government’s Good Work Plan seems to keep on growing.

First published as a response to the Taylor Review into Modern Working Practices in December 2018, multiple elements of employment law now fall under its auspices.

Our guide draws together the most important aspects so that you know what to expect and when.

April 2019
Right to itemised payslips for employees and workers introduced
11 October 2019
Consultation closed on proposal to introduce a right to neonatal leave and pay
11 October 2019
Consultation closed on proposals for transparency over flexible working

  1. Large employers (250+ employees) to publish family-related leave and/or flexible working policies online
  2. Requirement to assess whether a job can be done flexibly and to make that clear in job advert
29 October 2019
Consultation closes on reforming family leave, including options of

  1. Increasing the amount of paternity leave and/or pay
  2. Introducing flexibility over when paternity leave can be taken
  3. Reforming aspects of shared parental leave, including having a dedicated pot of leave for each parent
  4. Enhancing pay for shared parental leave
  5. Introducing pay for parental leave
  6. Abandoning the current leave regime altogether and adopting a new model
6 April 2020


Additional mandatory content to be included in a Section 1 statement (e.g. a contract of employment) which must be given on or before the first day of employment.

Now is the time to review your existing templates to see what needs to be added. Look out for our upcoming guide on what will be required.

6 April 2020
Reference period for calculating holiday pay for workers without normal working hours to be increased from 12 to 52 weeks

Is your payroll system capable of applying this?

6 April 2020
Written statement of terms for workers become a requirement, with certain mandatory content

Get ahead by getting a new template ready to use now.  As with the new content for employment contracts, we’ll be doing a guide on what needs to be included so look out for that.

Breaking continuous service will require a gap of 4 weeks rather than 1 week
Zero-hour workers to have right to a contract that recognises their normal working hours – currently uncertain whether this would be a right to request or a right to switch


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